ASIC/1-6000 Controller

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ASIC/1-6000 Image
ASIC/1-6000 Controller
ASIC/1-6000-MB Image
ASIC/1-6000-MB Controller

Quick Specs

Application-specific controller. It has personalities for VAV boxes, including straight shut-off boxes, parallel fan powered and series fan powered VAV boxes. Electric reheat, hydronic reheat and auxiliary heat available. Compare available sequences against your actual needs before selecting this controller. Controller is available in two different models. The ASIC/1-6000 contains an integral actuator. The ASIC/1-6000-MB does not have an integral actuator. In addition, each model is available in a -PD version, which removes the airflow sensor for pressure-dependent applications. Needs power supply rated at 24 Vac. It draws 6 VA (plus loads).

Point Count

  • 6 Universal Inputs, 0-5 Vdc
  • 5 Binary Outputs, solid-state Triacs
  • 1 Analog Output, 0-10 Vdc

Application Overview

Point Count

  • 6 Universal Inputs: These inputs are 0-5 Vdc, and can be configured as analog or binary inputs. Input 4 is dedicated for the flow sensor. Input 5 is the only one that has a removable pull-up resistor. The input resolution is 12-bit.
  • 5 Binary Outputs: These outputs are solid-state triacs, capable of switching the 24 Vac common leg.
  • 1 Analog Output: This output provides a 0-10 Vdc signal. The output resolution is 8-bit.


The ASIC/1-6000 has a single RS-485 communication port. Available baud rates are 1200, 9600 or 19200. This is normally used on the local bus of an ASIC/2.


Straight VAV

The ASIC/1-6000 can handle straight VAV's, with up to three stages of electric reheat. The analog output can be used to control a modulating reheat hot water valve. The -MB version is used when you do not need the integral actuator. The -PD version does not have a flow sensor, and is used when you have a pressure-dependent application. The -MB-PD version is used when you do not need the actuator or the flow sensor.

Parallel Fan VAV

The ASIC/1-6000 can handle parallel fan-powered VAV's, with up to two stages of electric reheat. The analog output can be used to control a modulating reheat how water valve. The -MB version is used when you do not need the integral actuator.

Series-powered Fan VAV

The ASIC/1-6000 can handle series fan-powered VAV's, with up to two stages of electric reheat. The analog output can be used to control a modulating reheat how water valve. The -MB version is used when you do not need the integral actuator.

FCU: 2-pipe and 4-pipe

The ASIC/1-6000-MB-PD can be used for simple FCU applications. It will work with two-position valves only, as the triac outputs do not have tri-state capabilities. There is a personality for a 2-pipe fan coil unit, and one personality for a 4-pipe fan coil unit. In addition, you can control simple terminal equipment, such as unit heaters and convectors. In this manner, you can control a 1H/1C unit that works with on/off outputs. In many such applications, the smaller size of this controller gives it an advantage over the ASIC/1-8655. Compare your proposed sequence of operation to that contained in the Application Bulletins to see if this controller meets your needs.

Firmware History

Firmware Release: ASIC/1-6000 FW600a1.8 New Damper Control Algorithm

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ASIC/1-6000 FW600a1.8 supports a new proportional plus integral airflow control algorithm that improves the approach to airflow setpoint. To enable this algorithm you must give the new Airflow Integration Time [Default 4] a non-zero value. If Airflow Integration Time is zero, then reverts to old algorithm. (Drive To Airflow Setpoint, and then wait until airflow exceeds hysteresis.)

As the damper drives the airflow toward the setpoint, the output begins to pulse, where the pulse size in 1/6 s increments is given by 4*Airflow Error/AF Hysteresis. The smallest non-zero Airflow Hysteresis gives the fastest approach to setpoint.

As control approaches the setpoint, the airflow error is summed over time. The Airflow Integration Time (T3 E48) is the time required for a 25 ft/min error to sum to give an additional pulse.

Other changes in this release include:

  • Adds Single Setpoint Deadband (T3 E42) for WS-051
  • Primary AF Smooth Filter (T3 E2) now defaults to 4
  • Now returns VV_DefaultOutputState (T3 E47) used in Personality 0 and Boot Mode
  • Table 3 Expanded to 52 Entries VV_T3_E48_Spare ... VV_T3_E52_Spare
  • Input 2 and 3 now report correctly (new doubles)
  • A1_AuxTempIN-02-word.(T9 E49,50) A1_AuxTempIN-03-word (T9 E51,52)

Note: There is an updated version of FlashDev program on the integrator center which works much better with ASIC/1-6000 controllers.

Firmware Release: ASIC/1-6000 FW600a1.7 Dual Heating for Electric Heat

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ASIC/1-6000 FW600a1.7 now supports Dual Heating with Electric Heat personalities. If Dual Heat Enable is yes, then in the heating control mode the primary airflow modulates from heating minimum to heating maximum and the Electric Heat duty cycles as the Heating Requirement goes from 0 to 100 %.

Firmware Release: ASIC/1-6000 FW600a1.6 10k Zone Sensor Bug

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ASIC/1-6000 FW600a1.6 fixes a problem with Input Types 148,149 ZT10kType 2 and with Input Types 164, 165 ZT10kType3 not being recognized as Zone Temperature sensors. Because it did not recognize the Zone Temperature sensors, the outputs were locked out.

The features of this and the previous releases are described in the latest ASIC/1-6000 Firmware Release Note.

Firmware Release: ASIC/1-6000 FW600a1.5 Lower Brownout Thresholds

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ASIC/1-6000 FW600a1.5 has lower thresholds for Brownout Protection and Stable Power Restore. This allows the controller to operate down to 21 Vac and to automatically shut down when the 24 Vac power drops lower because of brownout conditions.

Firmware Release: ASIC/1-6000 FW600a1.4 Fan Coil Personalities for Evaluation

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ASIC/1-6000 FW600a1.4 has two new Fan Coil personalities which are now available for evaluation. ASIC/1-6000 implements 2-pipe and 4-pipe control for Fan and Chilled and Hot Water 2-position valves for simple applications such as hotel rooms. The ASIC/1-6000-FC is mounted on a metal base and has no airflow sensor. It is not UL recognized.

An optional Door Event feature works with an Occupancy sensor to determine if the zone is occupied. A Door Switch is wired in series with a 1.82 kohm resistor on Input 6. One or more Occupancy sensor switches are wired across Input 5. An optional Window Switch turns off the fan and valves if a Window is open. The Window Switches are wired in series with a 3.32 kohm resistor on Input 6.

Note: If you are using the new fan coil features you must have Expert or later and new asic1.mdb, a1-6000.pvs, a1-6000.tcl files.

Please see the Application Bulletin 74, ASIC/1-6000-FC Fan Coil for further details.

ASIC/1-6000 FW600a1.4 also fixes a bug for any personality with 2 or more stages of electric heat, so that all stages of Electric Heat now turn off if the Primary Airflow is less than the Electric Heat Min Airflow Setpoint.

Firmware Release: ASIC/1-6000 FW600a1.3 Upgrade

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ASIC/1-6000 FW600a1.3 adds Single Setpoint feature for WS-051 Digital Display. Please see the Application Bulletin 69, ASIC/1 Digital Display for further details.

ASIC/1-6000 FW600a1.3 also implements Occupancy Sensor on Input 5 as in ASIC/1-8055. Please see the Application Bulletin 66, ASIC/1 Occupancy Sensor for further details.

The features of this and the previous release are described in the latest ASIC/1-6000 Firmware Release Note.

Firmware Release: ASIC/1-6000 FW600a1.2 Upgrade

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ASIC/1-6000 FW600a1.2 fixes a bug in FW600A1.1 and earlier in the Damper Override Open/Closed commands when the Jumper J6 is open to reverse the action of the Primary Damper. The Override Open drives it Closed! Override Closed drives it Open! The status of the damper is correctly displayed.

FW600a1.2 also fixes problem with global Function Override commands, MT=0x21, that occasionally caused incorrect output overrides. One of our customers reported seeing un-expected overrides of Hot Water Valve and Fan when globally broadcasting Cooling Damper Maximum or Cooling Damper Restore Commands. It happened infrequently. It was traced to a problem with how the Function override Commands were handled and has been fixed.

ASIC/1-6000 Grounding Requirements

Technical Note 34: ASIC/1-6000's are grounded devices and must be solidly connected to the building electrical ground. The controller should be grounded by attaching #16 gauge wire from 24 Vac Common, TB1-4 to the grounded sheet metal of the VAV box being controlled.

WARNING: Failure to properly ground the controller may cause controller malfunction.

If the supply transformer is more than 4 feet from the 6000 controller, the wire connected to 24 Vac COM, Common, should also be grounded to building ground near the transformer. Determine which transformer wire is connected to 24 Vac Common, COM of the ASIC/1. Attach a #8 ring connector to this wire within 8" of the transformer. Secure it to a clean, non-painted, metal surface that is connected to building ground.

These requirements apply to all versions of the ASIC/1-6000 (standard, -MB, -PD and -PD-MB). Metal base versions are NOT grounded through the metal base.